
encrypt / decrypt your file with python3!

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encrypt / decrypt your file with python3 (even in row)!

all modules are written in pure Python, so you don't need to compile it (or make setup)

type of encryption/hash/checksum:

* aes       128, 192, 256
* des       des, triple_des
* base      16, 32, 64
* xor       
* hash      sha0, sha1, dsa, md4, md5, ripmed160, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512
* hmac      
* crc       crc32, adler32
* vigenère
* playfair
* blowfish
* caesar
* morse
* leet
* rc        rc2, rc4
* one_time_password
* nihilist
* vic
* autokey
* sha3      sha3_224, sha3_256, sha3_384, sha3_512

future implementation:

* multiple file input

see wiki for info


see list of modules


see my tests


thanks a lot for python modules